Thank you for your interest in joining the Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride Board of Directors! Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride is a 100% volunteer-powered organization. None of us are paid staff and we can't succeed without committed individuals who donate their time, money and energy to our cause.

2023-2024 Board of Director Election Timeline

  • Nomination Period Starts: 9/21/2023
  • Nomination Period Ends: 10/20/2023
  • Candidates selected and members emailed: 10/21/2023
  • Electronic ballots voting period: 10/21/2023-10/26/2023
  • General Annual Meeting: 10/27/2023

Board of Director Qualification

In order to be a candidate to be considered, candidate must:

  1. Have a minimum of twenty (20) volunteer hours with Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride; and
  2. Been a member of the organization, in good standing, for sixty (60) days or more; and
  3. Nominated by another member of the organization in good standing; and
  4. Complete the Board of Director application form below, which serves as a Letter of Intent

For the purpose of 2023-2024 nomination, member of the organization shall be defined as someone who has:

  1. Signed up on our newsletter prior to 6/29/2023
  2. Volunteered with Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride for a minimal of twenty (20) hours prior to 9/21/2023

Board of Director Duties

Board member term is two years. All Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride Board of Directors must fulfill the following duties:

  1. Attend monthly Board of Director meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month; meetings are in-person when we can, virtually when we can't
  2. Contribute $500 annually, all Board members are required to make contributions toward Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride by making a direct monetary donation, or via other community members donating on the Board Member’s behalf, or via personal fundraising (not a Pride affiliated fundraising event). Contributions must be equivalent annually to at least five hundred US Dollars ($500), in cash or in-kind donation. Contributions can be given anytime during the calendar year, and must be paid in full by the end of the fiscal year.

Amount of hours dedicated to the organization varies by individuals. Generally, you can expect 10-20 hours of work monthly, with spike in hours before major events, especially before the festival where weekly meetings would start typically two months prior.

Please review the complete Bylaws for all details.

Board of Director Candidate Selection Criteria

The Board of Directors of Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride shall not exceed 9 members. The Board shall take into consideration the following when selecting candidates for the election of the Board:

  1. The diversity of the board, including but not limited to, age, race, disability status, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion (or secular), socio-economic status, education, occupation, and any other characteristics that shape a person’s perspective, outlook, experience, and opinion;
  2. Skills, talents, resources, and other needs for governance of the organization; and
  3. The purpose and mission of Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride.

Board of Director Application Form

Please note that completion of this application serves as your Letter of Intent to join the Board of Directors of Riverside LGBTQ+ Pride, but does not guarantee that you'll become a candidate on the ballot. Nomination Period Ends: 10/20/2023