Get Involved


We need you! From event staff to specific roles, we there's a place for you on our team!

Click here to sign up ↗️


The support of our business communities are vital to the success of Pride. COMING SOON!

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We're looking for a wide variety of vendors to make our Pride one of the most diverse ever. COMING SOON!

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Calling YOU to stage left! Drag performers, singers, bands, musicians, buskers, variety acts, storytellers and more – we're looking for you! COMING SOON!

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Our Pride Festival will have a strong focus on art of all kinds. From performance art, visual arts, sculpture, photography, and more, there's a place for you to show off your work. COMING SOON!

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Become A Member

Membership comes with perks, and supports both the festival and the programs we are working hard on. You can become a member and make a difference.

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Skilled Volunteer Roles

Or, if you're not seeing something above that you fancy, maybe one of the specifically skilled team roles we need help with below will interest you?

Available Roles