Over the last few years, we have met a lot of good people. If you're in need, we probably know who can help. If you do not see what you need below, contact us at gro.e1739083646iedir1739083646pedis1739083646revir1739083646@pleh1739083646. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Need help right now? Chat with someone who can help:

If you or someone If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts or in crisis, help is available. Text or call 988 or chat  at 988lifeline.org .

If you are having a medical emergency, dial 911.

Take My Hand

If you're stressed out, sometimes just having someone to talk to who knows what it's like to deal with your challenges can help. Riverside University Health System offers a unique “peer-to-peer” chat program called Take My Hand – where you can chat with someone who understands and can offer emotional support.
Visit https://www.takemyhand.co/ to start talking.

Looking for LGBTQIA+ Social Activities? Click Here instead.

Help by Category

LGBTQIA+ Youth & Family Support

Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance

A LGBTQ+ mental health non-profit based out of San Bernardino who's mission is to promote, advocate and offer support for LGBTQ+ youth and their families. They offer many different support groups and social activities for youth. If you have any need related to growing up LGBTQ+ 
RainbowPrideYouthAlliance.org can help.

PFLAG Riverside Chapter

PFLAG is the first and largest organization that provides support for parents and families of LGBTQIA+ people. Offering support groups, education and social events, PFLAG is creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. Note: We have chosen to link to the Riverside Chapter's Facebook page because it is most often updated with current information.

Family Acceptance Project by SF State University

The Family Accepetance Project is a research and education based program that provides help to families to reduce risk and increase well-being for LGBTQ youth. www.lgbtqfamilyacceptance.org

Riverside County LGBTQ+ Student Safety Coalition

Riverside Pride and community partners are working together to protect LGBTQ+ students across Riverside County. All youth deserve affirming and inclusive spaces to learn, thrive, and be themselves. To report concerns you have regarding LGBTQ+ student safety, click here.

GUIDE: How to be there when someone comes out to you.

An in-depth guide to reacting supportively to someone coming out to you.

Food & Meals

Project Food

The First Congressional Church of Riverside offers hot meals every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm. The group also offers clothes and blankets.
3504 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501

Feeding America Riverside

Feeding America is a food bank that provides food to the community through many distribution partners.
Get information on monthly food distribution events, delivery assistance, food pantries throughout riverside and help with applying for CalFresh.

Counseling & Therapy (LGBTQ+ & Free)

Renewing Hope Counseling

Therapy and counseling services for anyone, including those in the LGBTQIA+ communities. Several locations throughout IE and mobile clinics too! Accept many insurances, including IEHP, Medi-Cal, United Health Care, Beacon, Magellan and more. https://renewing-hope.org/

Riverside, San Bernardino, Pasadena, Hesperia, Claremont, Montebello

Foothill Aids Project

Foothill AIDS Project’s (FAP) mission is to improve the lives of those affected by HIV through our comprehensive support services. Our organization also aims to prevent HIV infections and AIDS by providing education and outreach programs. www.FAPInfo.org

Free Options

Center for Healing

Therapy Services specializing in Trauma, Families and LGBTQ in the Inland Empire, including some free options for low or no income needs. Located in Redlands. https://cccenterforhealing.com/


TruEvolution is a multi-service organization fights for health equity and racial justice to advance the quality of life and human dignity of LGBTQ people, and provides a range of health programs including HIV testing, addiction support, mental health, housing programs and more.

Equilibrium Counseling Services

Therapy and counseling services for teens and young adults, including those in the LGBTQIA+ communities. Located in Rancho Cucamonga. https://equilibriumcs.com/

Radiant Health Centers

Radiant Health Centers provides family planning, HIV and STI testing, counseling and a range of other HIV and healthcare services for the Orange County LGBTQ+ community. For a confidential consultation with one of our medical professionals, contact us today by calling (949) 809-5700 or www.radianthealthcenters.org

Healthcare & STI Testing

Riverside Free Clinic

RFC is a nonprofit organization that provides free health and wellness care. Services include FREE medical, dental, lab testing, metal health, pharmacy and more. All patients will be seen by walk-ups on a first come, first served basis. No insurance or proof of citizenship required.
Services are provided every other Wednesday from 5:00-10:00pm at the First Congressional Church of Riverside.
For more information, visit riversidefreeclinic.com

Find a Doctor

Need a LGBTQ+ membered or allied doctor? Try https://lgbtqhealthcaredirectory.org/


TruEvolution is a multi-service organization fights for health equity and racial justice to advance the quality of life and human dignity of LGBTQ people, and provides a range of health programs including HIV testing, addiction support, mental health, housing programs and more.

Riverside, San Bernardino, Pasadena, Hesperia, Claremont, Montebello

Foothill Aids Project

Foothill AIDS Project’s (FAP) mission is to improve the lives of those affected by HIV through our comprehensive support services. Our organization also aims to prevent HIV infections and AIDS by providing education and outreach programs. www.FAPInfo.org

Irvine & Orange County

Radiant Health Centers

Radiant Health Centers provides family planning, HIV and STI testing, counseling and a range of other HIV and healthcare services for the Orange County LGBTQ+ community. For a confidential consultation with one of our medical professionals, contact us today by calling (949) 809-5700 or www.radianthealthcenters.org

Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest
Riverside & More

Planned Parenthood 

Providing compassionate, free or low cost sexual health services, they provide testing to any gender and if you don't have health insurance, can help you with financial assistance for care. www.PlannedParenthood.org

Riverside University Health System 

(The county health department) also provides healthcare regardless of your insurance status. Although, not as straight-forward or easy to navigate as Planned Parenthood, they have many locations and options for healthcare including STI testing, mental health and medical care.

Transgender Health and Wellness Center
Riverside, San Diego & Palm Springs

Transgender Health & Wellness Center

Multiple locations offering services to the community, including mental health support, vocal coaching, hair removal, advocacy and many other programs to help those in need. www.Trans.health

Emergency Shelter & Housing Assistance

Riverside, CA

The Path of Life Shelter & Counseling

Path of Life offers an emergency shelter program to individuals and families in a housing crisis. Their Community Shelter provides 90 beds to men and women, and our Family Shelter provides 46 beds to families with children. Shelter guests are provided with wraparound stabilization services including employment support and housing referrals that foster self-sufficiency and family restoration.

Riverside, CA

Operation Safehouse Youth & Young Adult

Operation SafeHouse, with community support, provides emergency shelter, intervention and outreach services to runaway, homeless or other youth in crisis including a 24 hour emergency shelter for youth ages 11-17 and young adults 18-24. There is also transitional housing and counseling available. www.operationsafehouse.org

Victorville, CA

Family Assistance Program

The Family Assistance Program is a group of programs that provide crisis support for families of all kinds, especially those experiencing domestic abuse.

  • Our House – Youth (11-17) Emergency Shelter
  • Open Door – Victims of human trafficing
  • Youth drop-in centers
  • Re-entry housing
  • Young Adult LGBTQIA shelter
Riverside, San Bernardino, Pasadena, Hesperia, Claremont, Montebello

Foothill Aids Project

Foothill AIDS Project’s (FAP) mission is to improve the lives of those affected by HIV through our comprehensive support services. Our organization also aims to prevent HIV infections and AIDS by providing education and outreach programs. www.FAPInfo.org

Addiction Support


TruEvolution is a multi-service organization fights for health equity and racial justice to advance the quality of life and human dignity of LGBTQ people, and provides a range of health programs including HIV testing, addiction support, mental health, housing programs and more.

GUIDE: The 9 Best LGBT-Friendly Drugs Rehab Centers in the US

LGBTQ-friendly drug and alcohol rehab facilities are designed to help LGBTQ-identifying people by addressing their unique needs during addiction recovery treatment.

Riverside, San Bernardino, Pasadena, Hesperia, Claremont, Montebello

Foothill Aids Project

Foothill AIDS Project’s (FAP) mission is to improve the lives of those affected by HIV through our comprehensive support services. Our organization also aims to prevent HIV infections and AIDS by providing education and outreach programs. www.FAPInfo.org

Legal Services

Inland Counties Legal Services

Inland Counties Legal Services works to close the justice gap for people with limited incomes, disabilities, or are age 60 or over. The Justice Gap is the difference between the legal needs of people and the resources needed to meet those needs.

Service Areas Include: Riverside & San Bernardino Counties, California www.InlandLegal.org

Transgender & Non-binary Services

Riverside Transgender Coalition

The Riverside Transgender Coalition is a grassroots organization working to meet the needs of our local transgender community.

San Diego, CA

TransFamily Support Services

TransFamily Support Services guide transgender/non-binary youth and their families through the gender transitioning process to help make it the most positive experience possible. We provide family coaching, assistance with healthcare and insurance issues, help navigating the legal system, and support at schools. All services are provided at no fee. https://transfamilysos.org/

Transgender Health and Wellness Center
Riverside, San Diego & Palm Springs

Transgender Health & Wellness Center

Multiple locations offering services to the community, including mental health support, vocal coaching, hair removal, advocacy and many other programs to help those in need. www.Trans.health

Student Support

UCR: LGBT Resource Center

Established in 1993, the LGBT Resource Center provides support, education, and advocacy regarding sexual orientation and gender identity/expression for the UC Riverside community and beyond. https://out.ucr.edu

RCC: Rainbow Engagement Center

There are many different LGBTQIA+ focused groups and resources at Riverside City College and you can access information about all of them at the campus Rainbow Engagement Center. https://www.rcc.edu…

HIV Support


TruEvolution is a multi-service organization fights for health equity and racial justice to advance the quality of life and human dignity of LGBTQ people, and provides a range of health programs including HIV testing, addiction support, mental health, housing programs and more.

Radiant Health Centers

Radiant Health Centers provides family planning, HIV and STI testing, counseling and a range of other HIV and healthcare services for the Orange County LGBTQ+ community. For a confidential consultation with one of our medical professionals, contact us today by calling (949) 809-5700 or www.radianthealthcenters.org

Riverside, San Bernardino, Pasadena, Hesperia, Claremont, Montebello

Foothill Aids Project

Foothill AIDS Project’s (FAP) mission is to improve the lives of those affected by HIV through our comprehensive support services. Our organization also aims to prevent HIV infections and AIDS by providing education and outreach programs. www.FAPInfo.org

LGBTQIA+ Elder Resources


A national advocacy and services organization that’s been looking out for LGBTQ+ elders since 1978. We build welcoming communities and keep our issues in the national conversation to ensure a fulfilling future for all LGBTQ+ people. https://SAGEUSA.org

Shanti Project: LAASN Program

LAASN provides compassionate supportive services that help counteract isolation and emotional, behavioral, and health challenges faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer older adults and adults with disabilities. https://Shanti.org

PALS in the Desert

PALS (Planning Ahead for LGBTQ Seniors) is a volunteer-led community initiative based in Palm Springs, CA, that helps LGBTQ+ adults and friends to plan ahead before a health or other life-altering situation arises. 

Having a plan in place mitigates stress and anxiety, ensures that you are in control of your future care and legacy, and relieves the burden on family and friends. https://PALSinthedesert.org

Hate Crimes/Incidents

California vs Hate

All victims and witnesses of hate incidents and hate crimes can report and are eligible for free hotline support services. California vs Hate is a Civil Rights Department program not affiliated with law enforcement, and you can report anonymously. https://CAvsHate.org

Human Relations Commission

Fifteen members advise the Mayor and City Council on issues of discrimination and advocate for equal opportunity, justice, and access to services and opportunities. To report incidents within Riverside email vog.A1739083646Cedis1739083646reviR1739083646@CRH1739083646 or visit https://riversideCA.gov/cityclerk.

If you run an organization that provides services to our LGBTQIA+ community in the Inland Empire and would like to be added here, please contact us and let us know.