We are currently looking for the following members to join our board and officers. If you're interested in any of these opportunities, please apply. Board members and officers are required to attend a few meetings a month, weigh in on decisions and help to manage and organize our events. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Outreach Director

The Outreach Director oversees strategic partnerships within the community and develop volunteer’s recruitment. This includes organizing and participating in area events and markets, processing incoming volunteer applications and coordination with event organizers.


The Secretary shall keep a book of minutes and records of the organization at the principal office, or other place as the Board of Directors may order. The Secretary shall file any certificate required by any statute, federal or state. The Secretary shall distribute all official notices for this organization. The Secretary shall be the official custodian of the records and seal of this organization. The Secretary shall present to the Board at any meeting, any communication addressed to the organization. The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the organization. The Secretary shall distribute copies of minutes of meetings. The Secretary shall ensure treasurer's reports and minutes of meetings are updated in Public Viewing and insure said information is available at the monthly Board meetings. The Secretary shall be required to participate in monthly board meetings. The Secretary shall collect and distribute mail.